Sarah's Chonburi Pictures 27th
January 2008.
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It's the second day of doctor
ordered room rest
in room 702 having to live
off room service. I feel terrible and don't really have much appetite,
but the clinic insists we should be eating large protein rich meals to
build ourselves back up after surgery.

The boredom is really setting in .. LOL .. oh yes they have Heinz
ketchup in Thailand. It was darker in colour than the England version,
as to the taste to be honest I couldn't really judge, as everything at
this time tasted really bitter.

Having seen the pictures of room 701, here's room 702 .. it's a
little smaller than that end corner room, with a slightly
different layout, apart for the fact it's also a mirror image of 701.

So here's the bed . .ready for a dilation .. with the "duvet" folded
back in a wedge, it made an ideal platform for the laptop.

A better view of how to set your bed ready for static dilation, the
method used for the first 2 - 2 1/2 weeks post op. The two slug mats
are to protect the sheet from the inevitable fall out, which for the
first week can be a little bloody. The blue band is ready to to pull up
to hold the dilator in gently once at depth. Everything is at hand ..
the bed side table basket has a good supply of condoms, Q-C lubricant
and Dermazine cream. Spare tubes should have the seals already removed
ready for instant use.

OK .. this is your typical view once your in that position to dilate ..
your now stuck here for an hour and a bit .. if the fire alarm goes off
you cut it short .. if the clinic girls knock you can talk to
them through the door so to speak if you raise your voice .. they
can get a maid to let them in, they did with me, as the maids know they
have to fit in with the residents own routines, so the maids are often
around as late as 16.00. It's really important to have everything to
hand, including a bottle of water, kitchen type tissue roll and a waste
bin. At least with static dilation, you can rest a cushion on your
stomach and balance a laptop on it to do what ever you want .. I played
music on mine as well as using Skype and doing e-mail .. gave me an
excuse to do my diary too.
Pictures .... day 17....
to Chon Buri picture Index.....
to Diary Index .