Sarah's Chonburi Pictures 1st
February 2008.
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It's my second day out. This was a
little local trip that only took a couple of hours .. the other Sarah
tried to organize a couple of Taxi's for us from the clinic .. Mr's
Suporn insisted that a couple of the clinic staff drive us round to the
"Big Buddha" that overlooks Chon Buri in a couple of the clinic's
vehicles .. it was this day that the Clinic Landrover Discovery refused
to start .. hmmmm. I was really tired from the previous days
activities, and it kept raining as well while we were out.

As we walked up the hill from where we had to leave the 4 x 4's towards
the base of the Big Buddha I came across this group of pretty chickens
running around near a display of small Buddha's.
The first nearly clear view of the Big Buddha as we walked up the path
towards it .. it is big .. the blue and pink strip at it's feet is a
cover to a little area where people could make offerings and pray .. we
all did.

The orchids are what I chose for the floral offering, my incense sticks
where burning behind. For the full story of the visit here see my diary entry for
1st February . It was a very emotional moment when I prayed that
another might understand and still love me .. the pictures that
follow are of the "alter" area at the feet of the BIG Buddha.

Buddha's come in many forms, depicting scene's from his life I am told.
The three little sheets of gold leaf that came with the flowers and
incense sticks I attached to the symbols that most reflected my
memories and aspirations.
For more info on who Buddha was and what the religion stands for .. click

Yes I look really rough .. I felt it anyway and being rained on several
times didn't help .. picture care of Tina if I remember correctly.

Next stop back down the hill from the BIG Buddha has this religious
centre .. well the car park anyway, to get a view over Chon Buri.

This sign is about 15 days premature .. LOL .. but I was aching to get
home to Karen.

Looking out to the back of the town away from the sea .. pity about
those power pylons ..

The cream / yellow building the arrow is pointing too is the Mercure
hotel .. the back of it and the car park which was the main view from
my room .. DOH.
Pictures .... day 22....
to Chon Buri picture Index.....
to Diary Index .