Sarah's Chon Buri Pictures 5th
February 2008.
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I wasn't really fit enough for
this but given the opportunity to see some sight's in Bangkok, I just
had to give it a try. I need to say immediately, that this is is 1/6th
of what I took, and these pictures cannot represent the amazing colours
I've seen here this day .. you need to go see it for yourself .. one
day I hope Karen will return with me and see this for herself.
One of the first views of central Bangkok .. including the rare sight
of a railway line !!

On the way in to the Royal Palace. With the recent death of one of the
Princesses who was lying in state here, a strict dress code was being
enforced on Thais, as visitors we had a little more flexibility, but
clothes had to be respectable.

The colour in this series of pictures doesn't do justice to what the
eye saw .. it was stunning.

These floor to ceiling pictures went all around a sort of lean to that
created a courtyard around the temple in the shot above, the detail was
incredible, and the use of gold leaf .. extravagant .. but this is a
royal palace.

Elephants .. but only statues.

A guard at the building where the King and Queen really live.

Time for a ride on a "Long Tail" boat .. a James Bond film was made
around the canals here featuring a long tail boat chase, we actually
had a close call on a junction and nearly rammed another boat .. oop's.

I love the boats and water, I'll have my own yacht in a couple of
years. On the boats I've sailed on over the years I'm famous for
hanging over the side and getting bow wave shots .. couldn't resist
this one then.

This brings a whole new meaning to feeding the fish ..

A feeding frenzy took place .. was really nice being this close to

Talking of wild life .. this was beautiful, sunning itself on
somebody's door step.

This was just amazing .. pictures can't do it justice .. the enormous
golden reclining Buddha.

Now do you see how big this is .. look closely in the doorway lower
left hand corner at the head end .. people are standing there !!

I was here .. this is late in the afternoon .. I'm about to drop .. and
you can see where I've caught the sun .. it was overcast a lot of the
day ..

This was a final shot while we waited for the clinics big van to
collect us .. the detail caught my eye along with the two sun created
star bursts on a couple of highlights.
Pictures .... day 26....
to Chon Buri picture Index.....
to Diary Index .