Sarah's Chonburi Pictures 16th
January 2008.
was my operation day.
The day of my operation .. all I
did was to take some room pictures to try and take my mind off things
while I waited to be collected .. once showered and "gowned" the wait
was the worse part. Feelings very much mixed, heart pounding and
feeling quite sick. The gown was only hip length and offered me
no dignity .. I discovered later that the blue tubular sheets we sat on
could be opened and used as a sarong twisting the excess material at
the waist and tucking it into the new "waist band".

Room view from my bathroom doorway .. the room is pretty big.

The bed was fully adjustable, but I made the wrong choice in
retrospect when I chose the soft mattress rather than the firm ( hard )

View back in from my balcony door .. beyond the bed is my bathroom and
the door to the corridor .. what you can't see is the massive fridge
opposite the bathroom door .. full of drinking water .. I added 4
bottles of Evian myself, Thai bottled drinking water does taste very

I only just squeezed this picture in before they took me away .. I had
to walk out into the corridor before getting onto the trolley .. Loppy
was firmly removed from my hands as I stood up and my hair that I'd
carefully wound really tight with a scrunchy was taken apart and left
loose under me on the trolley before being wheeled away. The ride down
in the lift seemed to take ages .. being taken awake into the operating
theatre where I had to move my self from trolley to table seriously had
me panicking. MorNing didn't let me suffer for too long thankfully.
Pictures .... day 6....
to Chon Buri picture Index.....
to Diary Index .