Sarah Hélène : Out of the closet . ( from 2002)

This section covers trips as a girl to "safe venues / clubs", not into the real world ....

Preface .... Apart from private dinner parties and gatherings in 2002, my first club outing was with my wife was to Transmission in December 2002, followed quickly by Reading Beaumonts Society suppers, Stormes in London, Reading Beaumonts "everydayland" pub meals and Mayflower meetings. Reading Stormes started during 2003 as did Surrey Swans in Ash.

home page

Trips out to "safe" clubs and venues ... full enfemme ...

Reading Beaumonts Society
Stormes Reading news flash .. Stormes nights discontinued from October 2004 due to lack of attendance ..
Surrey Swans at Ash
Roses Thames cruise July 2004
Tootsies (opening October 16th 2004)

This page is only a marker at the moment .....more to come soon !!!