Sarah's Chonburi Pictures 15th
January 2008.
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Day 4 .. and my admission to the
hospital for my SRS operation. I've been waiting a long time for this,
all my life really I suppose, yet I'm shaking as I took the lift and
climbed into the waiting mini bus that took me to the hospital.

The traffic through Chon Buri can be hell at times, and with traffic
light cycle times of 5 minutes sometimes .. delays can be lengthy.

One feature that wouldn't go a miss on English traffic lights at major
junctions are these countdown timers, that show how long in seconds the
lights will stay green or red .. this was a close call .. LOL .. no red
light camera's here that I've seen.

My first glimpse of the hospital .. at this point I was really feeling
sick and my heart was thumping like nothing else.
This was to be my home for 8 nights .. room 805 .. yes it's been
doctored to remove my family name.

Bag unpacked .. everything at hand that needs to be, not that the
nurses were unwilling to do anything, at times they just came in to be
seen to be busy I am sure, but unlike some residents I hardly ever used
the buzzer, which apparently made me patient of the week .. LOL ..
according to one of the clinic girls.

The hospital supplied everything except night ware for the first night.
This little kit had everything, they supplied a pair of slippers to,
though marked "XL", XL in Thai must be a UK 7 or 8 .. I could just get
my feet in them with some overhang .. lol. But everything included 3
flannels they used for bed baths, soap, everything .. I used my own
toothbrush and the only other thing I used from my kit was my tweezers
the first time I was allowed to sit on the loo around day 6.

Sadly this was the view from my bed through the balcony windows .. if
the bed had been on the other side of the room the view seaward .. was

The seaward view from the other side of the room would have been
something like this .. stunning .. << sighs >>.

Loppy, my love token from Karen was my constant reminder of her
throughout my stay .. and it did get soggy at times .. << grimace
>> .. it's left ear has something else in it given to me by Karen.

This is a silver "Guardian Angel" given to me by Karen to care for me
in her absense .. the close up is quite scary.
Pictures .... day 5....
to Chon Buri picture Index.....
to Diary Index .